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The Smile of a Child project provides basic needs to under-privileged children and their families in our community, with a focus on single mothers and under-privileged children. These include educational materials, food, clothing and other items we can provide through support from our partners and friends.


In 2016, the Project helped more than 25 mothers and 35 children with the support of our volunteer friends in the United Kingdom. Their donations put smiles on the faces of children and their mothers, as Leading Change Uganda’s team distributed underwear, books, pens, mathematical sets, colours, toys, baby blankets and clothes which were hand sewn and donated to the organisation by these ladies.


Leading Change Uganda were also able to mobilise a few personal items (baby powder, diapers, Vaseline, clothes etc.) for Christmas. Thanks to everyone who made it all happen!


If you are able to donate school materials, children's books or clothing, please send us an email!


If you would like to donate to this project financially, please visit our Smile of a Child fundraising page on Global Giving by clicking here.

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